Ursula Hemingway Jepson
Ernest Hemingway's Sister, Ursula died today in 1966. Severely depressed, she had taken a large quantity of pills to kill the pain.
One time at a party in Florida, Ursula overheard poet, Wallace Stevens, talking to a friend. [ Stevens wrote some of his best poetry after he reached the age of sixty, including the collections Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction (1942), The Auroras of Autumn (1947) and An ordinary Evening in New Haven (1950).]
What Ursula overheard was Stevens making disparaging comments about her brother, Ernest. She left the party and immediately told her brother what she had heard.
Hemingway got to the party just as Stevens was saying if Hemingway was there, he would dispatch him with a single blow. Suddenly seeing Hemingway, Stevens tried his best punch, but missed. Hemingway proceeded to knock Stevens down several times. When Stevens finally managed to land a punch, he broke his hand on Ernest's jaw.
Both men later reconciled because Stevens did not want the publicity.