Bern, Switzerland
A Joyce on Hemingway:
Nettie Norred Sanders and Hyman Sanders, a superintendent of Pfeiffer Farms lived at 2nd and Orr in Piggott. Hyman was responsible for taking Ernest Hemingway hunting when he was in town. Often Hyman would take Ernest to Rose Dale Farm where Russell Norred and Ernest would go quail hunting.
A son, Robert Sanders and a friend, years later on a trip to Europe after graduation from college at University of Arkansas, were in a tavern in Bern, Switzerland when an esoteric question about Twentieth Century American novelists caught the attention of a gentleman at the bar. The question they offered out loud to each other was "What Hemingway novel did James Joyce like the most?" Overhearing this, the man turned around and said "I know the answer." It was Giorgio Joyce, James' son. He said "Father liked The Sun Also Rises best."
From The History of Rose Dale Farm
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